Thursday, October 5, 2017

Creative Differences

Image by lumaxart

Previously in my blog, I discussed Tuckman’s 5 Stages of Group Development. This week I collaborated with five other University of Arizona students to present on these stages, using the 2003 Paramount Pictures movie School of Rock as our example.

If you are unfamiliar with this movie, watch this preview. 

To present on this topic, our group had to go through all five stages, which are forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. We formed as five students who barely knew each other. We stormed when choosing an example for the presentation. We normed when we finally settled into our roles and were able to preform this week. Now that our presentation is over, we are adjourning.

Including my group, a total of six groups went through this process. While many also used popular movies to exemplify Tuckman’s 5 Stages, two stood out. One was a group using a sports team forming, while the other used the TV series Friends. 

Each group was not only able to be creative with this project, but were able to demonstrate presentation skills that will continue to be used throughout their lives.

-Hannah Leigh Johnson


  1. I felt like your groups presentation was well thought out as well as informative! It also brought back quite a bit on nostalgia since its been so long since I saw School of Rock. You guys also were able to adapt well seeing as for some reason the schools internet didn't like your page for some reason. Being able to adapt like that really showed how well your group was prepared regardless of the situation. Adjourn with pride you guys earned it!

  2. Your group was very successful! I felt like you all presented with confidence and knew your topic very well. I Loved that you guys made it work when you were having technical difficulties. I feel like you guys represented a successful group because of the way you guys adjourned. You guys did awesome! Great presentation by the way! :)
